Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What do I do on a typical day?

This is the Old School National Park office building. This actually used to be a library downstairs and a 3rd and 4th grade classroom upstairs. I work upstairs which I think is so funny, since I teach 3rd grade. Its a beautiful office that over looks the harbor and is surrounded by mountains. When I'm working on my project, I work in here. I also get to go to the visitors center to work and time to explore the trails.

This is an illustration that was drawn on the white board in the visitor center. Look at the bottom... Its Ranger Miss Barnhardt or Ranger LB! 

Exploring the trails of Sitka National Historical Park. This is a picture on the rocky beach. 

The best part of my job is getting to "rove" the trails. I get to walk around and talk to guests. I can answer questions. My favorite reaction and looks is when I say "How are y'all doing?" 

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