Monday, July 14, 2014

Sunrise (an area on the east side of the park)

The Lorax

A beautiful view of Mt. Rainier

Hiking with friends!

 Teacher Ranger Teachers 

Snow angel in July 

 Checking out trail conditions and make sure people are ok!

 Comet Falls 

Radio-- in case of an emergency (NO CELL PHONE SERVICE ANYWHERE!) 

Monday, July 7, 2014

A pretty AWESOME Monday...
 Hiking through SNOW!

  Education Center :)

 I love BLUEBIRD days and seeing Mt. Rainier!
This weekend I went to Canada! I have never been to Vancouver, which is called "glass city". I loved it-- water, mountains, and busy city!
Latin American Festival Downtown

The "HAPPY" statues!


 CANADA border crossing!

 Capilano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver on 4th of July!

Lighthouse park 
Water taxi
HAPPY 4th of JULY! 
Town of Eatonville, Washington
 Playing with the fire hose.


Park service friends!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

OLD MANS BEARD... this is a plant is called Dolichousnea Longissima. 

I got to see the mountain up close today! It was clear blue skies and 70 degrees (rare)! I've been here for 8 days and this was the first time seeing the mountain in the park. 
This was a small one. When you touch them they are very sticky and its hard to get the slime off your hands! Supposedly, if you lick one you tongue will go numb for a minute. I'm going to lick a banana slug by the end of the summer.
Good people to know in the community... the fire fighters.