Sunday, June 29, 2014

They are everywhere when its not raining! They are very large and like to bite my head! So I got a head net to protect my head! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

SNOW! JUNE 28th... Taller than me. It snows an average of 50-60 FEET in Paradise at Mt. Rainier National Park!
 Went to the grocery store! It is 40 minutes away!!

I was so excited to SEE and BUY FRUIT!
 One of my favorite days so far. We went on a geology walk to learn about all the rocks of the park and the formation of the rivers.
 There was a rock slide and the boulder behind me landed in the crater that I'm standing in and then rolled.

This is the coolest part of the river. Look closely at the different colors! One river is a glacier river (the chocolate milk) has a lot of sediment.  The other river is greenish clear and is just a mountain creek.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This is the kind of ANT I ate... YES, I ate an ant. Its protein and taste like citrus. Don't try them in NC... only in WASHINGTON. (I was trying to get my protein in... the grocery store is 45 minutes away.)

 Safety training... received a safety vest I get to wear!

 I live in a rainforest! This my walk to work everyday... BEAUTIFUL!

Today during all park training, I met the MORA superintendent, Randy King! 
(MORA stands for Mount Rainer)

Fun fact: all National Parks have codes like airports. If the National Park is one name its the first four letters (Olympic- OLYM). If the National Park has two words its the first two letters of each word (Mount Rainier- MORA).

Monday, June 23, 2014

I love football... Look what I found--- Boise State University (BRONCO BLUE FIELD)

Mt. Rainier in the background! Almost there! 
Some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

 42 hours of driving... Ready, set, let's go.

 Stopped in Louisville, Kentucky to see the Louisville Slugger museum.

 St. Louis Arch in Missouri


Snake River in Idaho! Such a beautiful place.
Clear Creek Falls-- I was driving and saw them on the side of the road. I stopped and hiked down a little to take this picture! Highway 12 in Washington which is about 45 minutes from Mt. Rainier.
 This plant is called oxalis. The leaves form a classic shamrock shape. It grows in the forest and loves shady and wet climate. You can eat a leaf too and it will taste a little bitter. I tried it on my walk to my first day of work!
 8 hours of meetings. Learned all about Mt. Rainier such as how to approach guest, animal encounters, history of the park, architecture of the park volcanoes, rocks, plants, flowers, safety...
The general store... where I buy my groceries. Don't worry... I'm going into town this weekend to a store!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I made it! This was driving in Washington State. I was about 45 miles away from my final destination. This is Mt. Rainier.